
FCA Updates Directory Guidance

FCA Directory publication to begin from mid-December 2020

On 12 October 2020, the FCA updated its SM&CR webpage relating to the “Directory of certified and assessed persons”.

From mid-December 2020, the FCA will begin to incrementally display data from solo-regulated firms as it is submitted.  The revised deadline for submission remains unchanged at 31 March 2021, but firms can submit data earlier if they wish.

Multiple submissions

Firms with more than 10 directory persons can submit directory data using the multiple add/amend submission form.  However, the FCA will assign a timeslot for each such firm to submit their data.  By 12 October 2020, the FCA should have contacted the 2,000 or so firms it estimates may want to make use of this facility in order to provide a timeslot.

If, by 14 October 2020, your firm has not been contacted by the FCA but you want to make use of the multiple add/amend template you may submit data in accordance with the table below:


Firms submitting before 9 December 2020* Firms submitting after 9 December 2020

Firm intends to use multiple add/amend template

Submit between 26 November 2020 and 4 December 2020
Submit between 11 January 2021 and 18 March 2021

Firm intends to use single submission form

Submit up to 9 December 2020
Submit up to 31 March 2021

*Data will appear on the FCA Directory from mid-December 2020.