Your ultimate SMCR compliance solution.
Manage and evidence compliance in minutes with our full-featured SMCR compliance software.
The core application
Out of the box, Corterum provides all the tools and solutions you need to effectively manage compliance. Your business and staff data is stored in datasets that can be easily updated and changes viewed over time. With Corterum, you can track and manage data, with a full audit trail, for:
Manage and track all of the senior managers within your firm, including Senior Management Functions, Prescribed Responsibilities and more.
Manage and track all certification staff within your firm, including their Certification Functions.
Keep track of and manage all members of staff who are subject to the Conduct Rules within your firm.
Store and manage information on all directory persons within your firm.
If you have oversight of multiple businesses, you can manage all of them within one place
Keep track of all regulatory bodies your firm interacts with to ensure that you and your staff are in compliance.

Documents and reporting
As well as allowing you to view, record and amend compliance data, Corterum allows you to store documents to support and evidence your compliance. Also, with its report library, Corterum can reduce the workload of generating FCA- mandated reporting documents to just a couple of clicks. With Corterum you can:

Create fit and proper certificates for staff within your firm.
Produce Form H, Form C and FCA Directory reports in an FCA-approved format.
Produce detailed Statements of Responsibilities
Generate anti-money laundering reports (provided by a third-party at an additional cost per report)
Tasks and scheduling
As well as allowing you to view, record and amend compliance data, Corterum allows you to store documents to support and evidence your compliance. Also, with its report library, Corterum can reduce the workload of generating FCA- mandated reporting documents to just a couple of clicks. With Corterum you can:
Create tasks and assign them to users (or groups of users) to ensure everyone is doing what is required.
Notify administrators when SMCR-related actions are needed using our automated workflows.
Use our scheduler to create and assign recurring tasks and view them in an intuitive calendar format, so you and your team never miss a task.

MI and analytics
As your business grows, ensuring that everyone in your business is doing what they need to do in order to remain compliant can be a challenge. With our analytics suite, adminstrators can take the pulse of the business at a glance, quickly identifying any actions that need to be taken to ensure compliance. Corterum has:

A constantly-growing suite of analytics visualisations including upcoming fitness and propriety certificate renewals, regulatory references and much more.
Deep-dive tools to help you understand precisely who is and isn’t complying with the regime.
Time-bound functionality to help administrators plan actions for future compliance.
In-life operations
Compliance with the SM&CR is an ongoing job, and it requires the completion, recording and evidencing of tasks over time. As things in your business change, you’ll need to plan and capture those changes in order to remain compliant. With Corterum you can manage (amongst others):
Keep track of all regulatory references provided to and by your firm.
Document your handover processes, and record any handovers that take place within your business.
Record Senior Manager functions and other prescribed functions that have been outsourced to a third party provider.
Generate and keep track of fit and proper certifications for your staff members.
Maintain an ongoing record of Senior Managers Regime attestations, Certification Regime attestations, Conduct Rules attestations and more.
Keep detailed records of all training completed by people within your firms.
Track all board meetings within your firm.

Training and support
A key part of the regime is understanding both the regime itself and also how it applies specifically to your role. Businesses are required to provide training on the Conduct Rules, and the FCA expects everyone to understand their application. We’ve created a full training suite to help. We’ll support you with:

Dedicated training on all aspects of SM&CR compliance.
Training scenarios drawn from real-world examples to bring the regime to life.
Conduct Rules training that you can provide to your team to fulfil your requirements under SMCR.