This month, our development team has been hard at work adding new ways to create, view and manage tasks and attestations within Corterum using our brand new scheduling tools.
Next time you go into the Administration tab within Corterum, you’ll see a new menu option: Scheduler. Within this menu, you’ll see the following:
- Table view – showing you a list of all tasks and attestations you have scheduled.
- Calendar view – showing you an overview of all scheduled tasks and/or attestations sorted into an intuitive calendar interface.
If you want to learn more about how scheduling works within Corterum, take a look at the video below!
Now, let’s take a closer look at Corterum’s new scheduling features:
Scheduling a task
It’s often necessary when working or managing as part of an SM&CR regulated firm to complete tasks and attestations on a regular basis. In order to make this as simple and straightforward as possible, we’ve added the ability to schedule tasks to Corterum.
With Corterum’s scheduling tools, you only have to set up a regularly-occurring task once. Next time the task is due to be completed, you’ll see it appear in your table and calendar views automatically.
You can also set a multitude of parameters for any given task, including:
- Deadline
- Mandatory completion – for particularly critical tasks, you can set them as mandatory for all users.
- Priority level
- Roles assigned to a task – for example, you may want to set a regularly scheduled task to be completed by all Certification Employees within your firm. Corterum allows you to do this within seconds!
Scheduling an attestation
You can also schedule attestations within Corterum. As well as being able set the frequency of an attestation, you can:
- Assign specific attestation forms, including Conduct Rules attestation forms, Senior manager ‘reasonable steps’ attestation forms.
- Assign attestations to one more groups of people within your firm.
- Select specific entities/people within your firm to assign an attestation.
Calendar view
By default, when you load up scheduling interface in Corterum, you’ll see a table list of all scheduled tasks. Here you can see all of your scheduled tasks in one easy-to-navigate place.
Want to learn more about Corterum’s scheduling functionality, as well as the ways in which the platform can help your SM&CR regulated firm? Get in touch with us below!